Yep, that it is (my B'day) but at my age we don't count them anymore.
Yada, yada... B'day gift, B'day card, B'day song etc... Nuf said, more interesting things to do.
Today I did some exploration in my linen closet, and made some interesting finds.
I took out of a box this pretty table cloth, bought for a song at the flea market. I can't exactly date it perhaps the forties or fifties but it is still fresh and pretty despite it's age .

I'd love to use it on a table but it is square and not too large while my table is oblong and very large. Oh well, back in the closet it goes.
Many years ago, my MIL gave me a large piece of cloth all embroidered with the birds and flowers of each state of the union at the time : 48 in all, I suppose it was made prior to the entry of Hawaii and Alaska (a date, anyone?) For a long time I had no idea what to do with it and then I started cutting each embroidery into 8 inches squares and fashioned it into a quilt top. The other fabrics (the flowery bands and green squares) are more or less contemporary to the embroidered patches, so I hope they don't clash too much.

It is a quilt TOP but not a quilt yet. So it is to be classified under the rubric "Unfinished projects" that I must finish this year. I have my work cut out for me, this one is HUGE.
TEXTE EN FRANCAIS:C'est mon Anniversaire aujourdhui, et je prefere ne pas y penser.Pour me distraire, j'ai farfouille dans mon placard a linge. Trouve cette jolie nappe des annees quarante ou cinquante. J'aimerai bien m'en servir mais ell est carree et plutot petite alors que ma tables est rectangulaire et tres grande... Dommage. Autre trouvaille : ce patchwork brode avec tous les oiseaux et fleurs de chaque etat des Etats Unis : 48 en tout , ce qui indique que la broderie a ete faite avant l'admission d'Hawaii et de l'Alaska (oublie la date). La broderie etait faite sur une espece de grand drap que j'ai decoupe en carres et transforme en patchwork (avec des tissus contemporains, sil vous plait, rafine, hein?)Maintenant, il faut que je me mette au matelassage, encore un projet a finir , celui-ci va etre du boulot... aille!!!Abientot