My cup runneth over! We can never have enough old wall papers, biology/botany plates, antique book covers, vintage letters for our art, or simply to admire. I just discovered this fabulous place where you can see, covet and grab many of those goodies, and they are FREE.
Not Your Average Sock Monkey hearts (drum roll, please,) vintageprintable.com
I picked up a few examples of the lovely stuff they offer, and that you can use for your own art work. I suppose that make them "second hand freebies" :-)

I just love this french poster urging us to save petrol and gas...Although I would certainly not advise to store the stuff in containers in your garage. But the poster is great!
Texte en Francais : Je viens de trouver ce superbe site pour les images gratuites, il y en a des centaines que vous pouvez utilisez dans votre art et vos collages gratis. Tres bien, tres bien !
j'aime beaucoup. Il y a beaucoup de gravure francaise. Je crois que les francais, au 18eme et 19eme siecle etaient les rois de l'image imprimee (un petit peu de chauvinisme, la, mais enfin c'est pas trop mechant ;-)
http://vintageprintable.com/wordpress/ I guess today is the big day when the do their Big Vote in Washington. So what do you think? are we going to get Health Care or are we going to remain a free people? All this depressing stuff make me want to go and do art some more.
Toodles For Now