We are leaving today for the Jersey Shore. The rain is coming down in ropes here in Atlanta and there is a hurricane looming over the East coast, but we are going because we aint chicken.
It is going to be interesting, I can tell .
I don't mind walking on the rain soaked beach, by the moody sea, in fact I love it. The ocean is in its glory on those stormy days, But the boys are going to get restless cooped up in a fisherman cabin. I am stocking up on hot chocolate fixins, clam chowder and PG Tips Tea, And of course , let's not forget the games, Monopoly, Risk, Imaginiff and checkers, that should cover it for a week, I think.
C'est la fin de l'ete, Nous partons pour la plage dans le New Jersey, Il pleut des cordes et un ouragan approche de la cote, mais ca fait rien on part quand meme.
J'aime la mer quand elle boude, les grandes vagues, la brume et le brouillard, marcher, etre mouilles. .. Mais nos garcons vont avoir du mal a rester dans la cabane. J'emporte du chocolat des boites de soupe et du bon the. Et surtout ne pas oublier les jeux de Monopoly, la Conquete du Monde, et les echecs, ca devrais pouvoir les occuper.
A Bientot (dans une semaine)
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